[176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. [171], Agni bursts into the room, and Sebastian silences him. [223], After Jeremy's request is carried out, Jeremy examines the corpses individually. [214] At this time, Sebastian makes arrangements with the other servants of the house, giving them instructions to last several days. [335], The next day at Swan Gazebo, Ciel is present at the P4's meeting. [514], At Hopkins' Tailor Shop, Nina forces Sebastian to change in and out of several outfits, to Ciel's amusement. The servants bid their farewells, and Ciel leaves the manor in their hands. "[568], Now as fugitives, the Phantomhive household visits the Funtom Corporation headquarters in hopes of taking refuge there. [433] They all respond with "Yes, My Lord. Astonished, the latter inquires as to why Queen Victoria's butlers are here; Phipps replies they are here to deliver something from Her Majesty and hands over a basket of intricately decorated eggs. Seeing her deplorable manners, Sebastian states he can't wait to teach her. While the group is journeying by boat, they are accosted by the Scotland Yard's Thames Division, which monitors the River Thames. Ciel precariously enters only to notice an abnormal, sweet fragrance in the air. He almost always wears a black eye-patch made of gauze[17] with a single cord over his right eye to hide the location of his Faustian contract with Sebastian Michaelis. [15] Around this time, his slave-traders also pierced his ears to attach a price tag. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is overjoyed that he decided to "surprise" them and come on the trip. When Sebastian demurs from rescuing him immediately, Ciel asks Sebastian if he is daring to go against the Faustian contract. Ciel fishes out his gun and shoots a bird right by Elizabeth's ear to even out the score. On the ball he bowls, he uses specific trajectory calculations to ensure Edward's defeat. [228] Sebastian had cunningly set up everything to make Jeremy look more believable, and Ciel was forced to help with the act on numerous occasions. Sebastian responds that Ciel can recognize his own kind. [94] Undertaker appears out of a coffin and informs them that the murdered prostitutes all had something in common. Joker guides him to the dining hall for dinner. [387] Ciel thinks the idea is ridiculous. [288] Ciel desperately screams Sebastian's name again and again. Although Ciel dismisses the notion, Sebastian states that his response is strangeCiel is a boy who has met Grim Reapers and demons, yet he denies the existence of curses and werewolves. At the end of the second season, Ciel is reborn as a. Ciel is portrayed by various actors in the musicals. The next day, Sebastian instructs Finnian to take care of Ciel. Furthermore, Edward purposely tells Ciel that Elizabeth will definitely be coming to support her only brother. Ciel explains that this is the home of Harold West Jeb, and he is involved in importing various goods. [175] Then, they head over to Undertaker. Later, Sebastian helps Ciel with his bath. ", In 2014, Toboso said that Ciel and Sebastian only interact with each other when it is necessary, e.g. [147] They sneak onto his property, and Sebastian deals with the guard dogs. Ciel explains the incident that involves East End, which Lau manages. Ciel instructs Sebastian that they want to speak to the Lord of the village[395] who the villagers have mentioned. [118], They part ways, and Ciel and Sebastian go to speak to Undertaker. One morning as Sebastian is assisting Ciel, Soma bursts into his bedroom, demanding to know why he has left school. [30] He is loath to stay in a poor, relatively austere environment for long periods of time, considering such beneath his dignity and unfitting for an earl. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. Thank yo very much, that would be nice! [305], Elizabeth is left dumbfounded at this response. Grey and Ran-Mao then team up to take down Patrick's killer under Jeremy's guidance. [57], Fully embracing that there was no God coming to save them, Ciel managed to summon the demon he later named Sebastian Michaelis. kriegshetzer mal'korak respawn; how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea . [451] Furthermore, the "miasma" is actually a chemical weapon made in this factory. Sebastian is then moved to the basement with the other bodies. "Ciel" was eventually the only one left with him. Sebastian compares candles and their flame to humans, calling them beautiful. [303], Several days later, Ciel has completely recuperated; he also discovers that Elizabeth is currently in the manor and intends to celebrate Easter together with him, Sebastian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, Snake, Edward, Soma and Agni. Age they tortured him because they where bad people and he was so young . Angelina replies that aside from being the Queen's Watchdog, he should have another way of living- a brighter way instead of pursuing revenge. [99], That evening, Angelina and Grelle attend the party as themselves, Ciel as a girl (respectively Madam Red's niece from the countryside), Sebastian as Ciel's home tutor, and Lau as Angelina's lover. [376] As he smashes one of the doll's skulls, he adds that he cultivated it, so he will not be robbed of it. Diedrich responds that Undertaker is always talking nonsense, so he does not pay much attention to him.[474]. [524], Later, Sebastian informs Ciel that he must make preparations for the Phantomhive earldom's Halloween celebration. She, then, requests for him to visit the Sphere Music Hall, which is a popular music hall that holds mysterious gatherings every Saturday, to investigate, disclosing her concern: with the absence of social classificationmen and women of all ages are enthralled by it, "be they peers or laborers"and the sheer number of attendeesthe street in front of the hall tends to teem with carriages on Saturday nights. Sebastian adds that Edward, out of sincere respect for his superiors, is also quickly learning things. Baldroy tries shooting it, but he can't put a scratch on it. She targets Undertaker, intent on apprehending him. [173], Shortly thereafter, Ciel and Sebastian leave the Phantomhive Manor to go to London, with Sebastian stating that it is "wonderful weather for the circus." Ciel, then, notices other people raving about the performance, and reflects on the Sphere Music Hall, which, at a glance, contains no signs of evil afoot for Queen Victoria to be worried. The butler shows them a list of names that fits their descriptions,[98] and they discover that the only person who suits their criteria is the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chamber. Ciel angrily tells Soma he told Soma to act like they don't know each other. Sebastian jumps out of the moving carriage to go compile a list of potential suspects as ordered by Ciel. Sieglinde is shocked, and Sebastian explains that mustard gas does not compare to the SuLIN gas in terms of lethality; thus, if employed in England, countless deaths will result. Upon realizing what they are, Ciel asks Sebastian for confirmation that he would never lie to him. Video game debut [566], Ciel sits in silence for the entirety of the ride while Sebastian and Blavat taunt each other. Arthur notices this, and Ciel motions for him to hush. Diedrich, Baldroy, and Snake look on in horror as they are unable to rescue Ciel. The twins' buyer initially treated them kindly, giving "Ciel" and Ciel a bath and treating them to a splendid feast, including game meat. Sometime afterward, Sebastian presents his findings, having flagged four locations. Raising his Death Scythe, Undertaker announces that he has decided to make Sebastian disappear after all. The shopkeeper mistakes Sebastian as the owner of "Master's" cane, to Ciel's annoyance. Baldroy complained about Sebastian's comment, and Ciel berated them both for being loud. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea. [265] Grelle tells Sebastian it must be fate for them to meet again. [190] Doctor states that Ciel has had an asthma attack due to a cold. [528], After a Phantom Five performance, Ciel, along with Sebastian, comes down the stairs in Funtom Music Hall, spots Blavat among the crowd, and greets him. Elizabeth immediately offers to carry him on her back. Ciel responds that Sebastian is the least trustworthy of all.[470]. Moreover, batting is not their only counterattackmembers of Team Red are suddenly overcome by acute gastricular discomfort. During the Indian Butler Arc when Agni and Soma were introduced, however, Ciel did seem to enjoy the curry bread they . After John Brown delivers the Queen's message, Sebastian comes to see Ciel. [69], One morning Sebastian Michaelis, the Phantomhive butler, wakes Ciel and serves him an elegant breakfast. [87], Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian return to the manor where the other servants greet them warmly. After their slight banter, she realizes that they are both here on the Queen's business. Ciel is deeply agitated by the words, but does not address it, instead ordering Sebastian to have Sieglinde tend to Soma's injuries. He adds that they will escape through the air duct above; furthermore, Snake has to get out because his snakes cannot survive in the cold water. [492], Afterward, Edward runs to Ciel and asks why Blavat had Sebastian thrown out. Sebastian reassures him that they will do everything tomorrow. Next, Elizabeth Midford arrives[236] and joyfully asks Ciel to join her and her family on April 17th for a three-week vacation on a luxury cruise liner, the Campania. He states that a "snake" told him about it;[445] she asks then questions if he is a warlock, but he answers that he's just "one hell of a butler."[446]. With Sebastian handling everything and Ciel taking all of the credit, everyone is astounded by Ciel's efficiency. Ciel is unnerved when "Ciel", suddenly cheerful, tells him that he is glad to be reunited with his family. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. He asks Ciel if he's decided to abandon his position as the Queen's Watchdog. [117], Outside, in the graveyard, Lau asks if Ciel told the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity, which Ciel responds that he found that to be unnecessary, as the Jack the Ripper killings had been stopped. [555], Ciel opines that resurrecting the dead is madness, to which Undertaker replies that whether or not "Ciel" is alive should not matter because he should be happy to see his elder brother. Disgusted, Ciel insults Kelvin and pulls a gun on him; this causes Joker to lay a sword on Ciel, and Sebastian to put a knife against Joker. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the business-savvy, twelve-year-old (later thirteen-year-old) head of the English Phantomhive noble family, taking over after the deaths of his parents, Lord Vincent and Lady Rachel Phantomhive. Edward comments that he did not recognize Sebastian at all, stunning Ciel. Ciel is initially oblivious to the fact that Agni was attempting to confess and turn himself into the police. Recalling Elizabeth's strength, Ciel wonders what Edward is talking about. Sebastian warns Ciel that he has been set up by "Ciel". [203], Sometime later, Ciel and Sebastian board a train. Ciel is tired, and Sebastian suggests that they head home. Ciel responds that he won't be returning to "that cramped miniature garden ever again."[379]. Ciel hates spicy food, and, thus, dislikes mustard. Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. Ciel, then, passes out treats to a group of children, and recalls his own family when he sees another. [274], Sebastian and Ciel encounter Viscount Druitt in the 1st Class Passenger Hallway. Finally, Ciel swears that he will abide by their rules. Ciel's name means "sky" in French, Italian, and Norman and also "heaven" in French, Italian, and Old French. [347] Elizabeth's father, Alexis Leon Midford, then announces that he hopes to see another "Miracle of the Sapphires." After Ciel hands Sebastian a paper which contains all of the new crowd-pleasers he has devised for opening night, he asks him about the blood research; Sebastian replies that he has yet to hear from Sieglinde. [125], At the end of the competition, they are tied with hunting fifteen animals each. She knows that English-speaking fans call him "Our Ciel" which she thinks is cute. [82], Before long, the kidnapper is revealed to be the Italian drug dealer, Azzurro Vanel of the Ferro family. They were both dressed and brought into a cathedral occupied by a cult. Just when Elizabeth is about to leave, Soma and Agni barge in his bedroom. Because he is last, Ciel has to polish the prefects' shoes. [273], Snake rushes in and apologizes about Rian's escape. Sebastian then explains to Arthur what really happened with the murders, and in the process, reveals that Grey was the one who killed him and Georg. [14] On the left side of his body is the mark of the "noble beast", which he was branded with during his time as a slave in a cult. Finally, at Harrod's Stores, they all see Funtom's new line of ladies products. "Ciel" states it's so unlike Ciel to be brought to a halt. Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian decide to head to Phantomhive Manor, as Ciel wants to be "certain" about a matter. [268], Ciel and Elizabeth watch Sebastian and Grelle fight. Freckles comments on his fancy upper-class English and offers him Funtom Corporation sweets. Ciel notes that Tanaka is as strict as ever. Season 1, Episode 1 After Blavat leaves, Ciel angrily breaks a Meissen vase, to which Sebastian responds by saying that the outburst of rage is futile and uncharacteristic of him. When Lau suggests that Ciel infiltrate the manor and kill "Ciel", Ciel reveals that "Ciel" has a "troublesome private warrior" protecting him. [230], Sebastian then opts to start preparing for lunch. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. [92] In order to get more information, they go see a London funeral director, Undertaker. When Sebastian tries again, Tanaka stops him. At night, McMillan talks with Ciel. Amongst the confusion that follows, Sebastian reveals that the "werewolves" are people in costumes. Ever since he has been unwilling to allow Sebastian to check for cavities in his teeth when they start to wobble. When Ciel orders Sebastian to collect the bodies and get someone to look at them, Sebastian asks Ciel who he wants to perform the autopsies, thereby reminding Ciel of Undertaker. Grelle slashes her way through multiple corpses and reaches Aleister. [180], Later, Joker takes them on a tour of the tents, pointing out which ones are off-limits because they are the first-string members' tents. Ciel then orders Sebastian to kill them all; Sebastian eliminates Doctor, finishes off Kelvin, and Joker dies of blood loss. English voice While Ciel is furiously waiting for Sebastian's return, people suddenly rush to buy Funtom's ladies' products. Undertaker then parades "Ciel", whom he rescued from the fire at the cathedral and whom he refined through trial and error, as his finest creation. Sitting on the boat's floor, Ciel gasps in awe and asks if it is over. Male [360] Lawrence then gently pats Ciel on the head and tells him to leave the rest to him. John remarks that Ciel has grown up to be like his father, and the Queen agrees, saying that he is very reliable. Lawrence declines assistance and leaves. Human Gazing sorrowfully at Ciel, she states she wanted him to think of her as cute until the end. Ciel agrees, though noting that occasions whereby he agrees with her are rare. Ciel says that the solution to Sphere Music Hall was, simply, to give the attendees an alternative, and Sebastian says that establishing an imitation across the street from the original is "terribly cheeky and wicked" of Ciel. He just calmly confirmed the facts with him. Finnian explores the shop while undercover and reports that Scotland Yard officers have been stationed at the shop. Second, pay attention in school and try to expand your education whenever possible. "Come to speak of it, when I checked Hanks' long line about Ciel's profile in the musical, I told *him [*the actor who played Hanks] 'I haven't decided on Ciel's height yet, so let's put it like 'as tall as 12 Scones', but when I heard that line during the actual play I realised that that's extremely small. [161], As the curry competition gets underway, Aleister Chamber is revealed to be one of the judges; Ciel concludes that he probably bribed his way out of jail. When Lau mentions Karnstein Hospital, Ciel recalls the Aurora Society and has Sebastian comb through the information collected and flag anything in which Aurora Society members play key roles. The Queen asks if Sieglinde can create more powerful things than mustard gas, a question to which Sieglinde responds the negative. [439] Ciel responds that there's no reason for her to be surprised since she herself is a witch. DICE Dental International Congress and Exhibition. Baldroy remarks that he had forgotten he hid some specially made eggs there, to which Sebastian is puzzled as to why he would do such a thing. Druitt replies that he cannot do that since the "cast" is incomplete. The servants burst in, and Finnian tells them what happened. He occasionally has flashbacks of the incident and loses awareness of his surroundings. He and Sebastian go out to greet them, and Francis comments that Ciel's and Sebastian's bangs are improperly long, and they should take after Tanaka. [116], At Angelina Dalles's funeral, Ciel arrives late, carrying a red dress. When Blavat describes Sebastian as a darkness which corrupts the light of stars, the other attendees demand that Sebastian leaves. [561], Fred, Edward, and Alexis are shocked to see the twins. This time, Ciel tells Sebastian to kill Druitt, but Sebastian responds that he understands, but they must wait. They dig up his coffin immediately and find, to their great relief, Sebastian alive. However, he blows too hard on the warm milk (at the speed of 50m/s). Afterward, they go over the hill to get there. Ciel tells Edward he is leaving Snake and Elizabeth with him. So that would be a good estimate since it wasn't stated in anime/manga While gazing at the scene, Ciel remembers all of the critical events that transpired in his life. Some of the corpses then start crawling up the luggage. Thus, both Angelina and Grelle are acting together as Jack the Ripper. He orders Sebastian to figure out his own way in. [475] Ciel adds that it was extremely irresponsible of Wolfram to leave Sieglinde with complete strangers. [144], Sebastian goes to wake up Ciel, who is already awake, much to the former's surprise. [209] He then lets them in to see Ciel. [120] Sebastian then asks why he was stopped from killing Angelina, and Ciel explains that she hesitated in killing him and lost sight of her next move. [250] After destroying the corpse, he asks Sebastian if he is the rumored "Sebas-chan"; Sebastian retorts that he has an aversion to that nickname. Sebastian then identifies the owner of the hallmark as Baron Kelvin. They puzzle over why Blavat has returned to London, despite the risk of being apprehended. [309], They venture into another room, with Ciel musing that Elizabeth would not have placed her egg in a challenging place. After talking about stars and radiance and urging all the attendees to sing together, they remove their robes, revealing that they are Gregory, Herman, Lawrence, and Edgar, to Ciel's and Edward's shock. [526], Subsequently, Sebastian brings Ciel and the other guests to a river, where they are given lanterns. He has made tea and finished all the preparations. Ciel answers he needed Wolfram to look after Sieglinde; she is his insurance. [418] He protects Ciel, and he kicks the werewolf out of the window. Snake will be working as a footman, and Sebastian asks them all to get along. Sebastian states he was wondering where he went after the Campania incident and he closed his shop. When they demand to know why he is here, Ciel answers that he has come to clean up the mess caused by the old pathetic hunting dog, that is, Randall. He reminds Sebastian of Rule #87now all they have to do is wait for Derrick and the other boys to come out. After Sebastian notices he has been in his master's dreams he takes interest in the situations Ciel dreamt up. [553], Ciel recalls his past. Volume 1, Chapter 1 Sebastian suggests attending the meeting as well, but Ciel says that they may know exactly who is protected by Sirius, and is against the idea. Ciel knows that they need two more outs to secure victory. He laughs uproariously about "Earl Phantomhive's pose." He can play the violin passably, is a good actor, is compotent at fencing and has an education roughly equivalent to a modern tenth grader. Finally, Ciel and Sebastian talk with Wolfram. Sebastian admonishes him that he will get "2 Y's" for walking around at night. When Herman mentions Gregory's disappearance, which occurred on the day the Sphere Music Hall scoop was published, Sebastian says that Gregory has Sirius blood, and that it is likely Blavat took him along to continue taking blood from him. Ciel retorts with the 15th rule. [145] They decide to wait until nighttime to investigate Soma and Agni, who seem to leave every night. McMillan, one day, remarks on how amazing Ciel is. He also had the components of the antidote analyzed. [342] Ciel sighs and then tells Sebastian to help put out the fire. He then allows Arthur to be in charge of their actions from there on out.
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