>> 5 0 obj Such participation may require an alternate shift pattern assignment and/or location. The three strategic goals for information resources management are: These goals map to 17 actionable objectives that state agencies and institutions of higher education may use in their own strategic planning in providing Texans with access to a secure, digital government. GREG ABBOTT Resi on Clerk to the Governor GSD/gsd Attachment POST OFFICE Box 12428 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 512-463-2000(VoICE) DIAL 7-1-1FoR RELAY SERVICES ©2023 Texas Department of Information Resources, Texas Releases 2020-2024 State Strategic Plan for Information Resources, Explore All Products and Services Categories, Communications Technology (Telecom) Services, Office of the Chief Information Security Officer, Texas Releases 2022 Biennial Performance Report, State of Texas Announces Launch of Texas by Texas, Technology Planning, Policy and Governance, Goal 2: Advanced Data Management & Digital Services. Please download the Adobe Reader in order to view these documents. 2287 0 obj
Helping ensure the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information assets, Workingto improve data governance and create value through data sharing, Policies, reports, and guidance on implementing IT for your organization, Providing payment processing, custom app development, technology and operations, customer service, marketing, and more, Statewide communications infrastructure providing voice and data solutions. /XIPLAYER_CM11 19 0 R Regular Session, Senate Bill 758 Implementation Progress Report, Presentation to the Senate Jurisprudence Committee on Data Sharing, Improving Child/Youth Placement Outcomes:A System Redesign, Presentation to the Senate Finance Committee - Child Protective Services, Presentation to
Foster Care Rate Modernization Report: Opportunities to Increase Claiming IV-E Funds, Youth Parents and Pregnant Youth in DFPS Conservatorship, Fiscal Year 2022, Senate Bill 1896 Expansion of Permanency Care Assistance Report, Report of the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Fiscal Year 2022, Senate Bill 1896 Report on Options for Conducting Independent Administrative Review and Appeals, House Bill 700 Plan for Foster Youth in the Preparation for Adult Living Program, Senate Bill 195 Collection and Reporting of Alcohol and Controlled Substance Statistics, Senate Bill 11 FY23 Capacity Building Plan Based on Foster Care Needs Assessment, Senate Bill 910 Family Preservation Services Study, CPS Business Plan for Fiscal Years 2023-2024, Quarterly Report on Community-Based Care Implementation Status, Relative and Other Designated Caregiver Placement Program Report, DFPS Community-Based Care Joint Oversight Committee Presentation, OCBCT Joint Oversight Committee Presentation, Foster Care Needs Assessment, Fiscal Year 2022 (Mid-Year Update), DFPS Presentation to the Senate Select Committee on Child Protective Services, OCBCT Presentation to the Senate Special Committee on Child Protective Services, Senate Select Committee on CPS Presentation, Foster Care Rate Modernization Semi-Annual Progress Report, Youth Parents and Pregnant Youth in DFPS Conservatorship, Fiscal Year 2021, Foster Care Litigation Compliance Status Report, Implementation Plan for the Texas Community-Based Care System, Foster Care Rate Modernization Report: Final Service Descriptions, Report of the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Fiscal Year 2021, Foster Care Needs Assessment, Fiscal Year 2022, Foster Care Rate Modernization Report: Preliminary Service Descriptions, Disproportionality Report, Fiscal Year 2020, Youth Parents and Pregnant Youth in DFPS Conservatorship, Fiscal Year 2020, Report of the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Fiscal Year 2020, CPS Business Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2022, Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) Strategic Plan, Evaluation of the Summer Internship Pilot Program for Current and Former Foster Youth-HB 1608, (85R), Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) Quality Metrics Report,
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Masters Degree or higher in Public Health, Organizational Development, or a closely allied field preferred. The Workforce Director is an expert resource to the organization in coaching and development, team meeting facilitation, and organizational design. &ExOB $|r^{xOo@-L
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Skill in utilizing quality improvement tools and processes in accomplishing work activities and in support of the agency's mission and goals. If you have trouble viewing any of the documents below, please contact the HHS Accessibility Office, atAccessibility@hhsc.state.tx.us. DSHS offers a variety of benefits, which can be found at. LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. Legislative Appropriations Request - FY 2024-25, Legislative Appropriations Request FY 2022-23, Legislative Appropriations Request FY 2021-22. 2206 0 obj
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endobj The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) established this page as a single point of access for legislative information. The plan outlines three strategic goals for statewide information technology for the years 2020-2024. Sign in to create your job alert for Director jobs in Austin, TX. of the CPS Investigation Process, Presentation to the House Select Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care, Adoption
2021-2025 Agency Strategic Plan. SECTION 1: A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 1998 - 2006 The Texas Department of Health (TDH) underwent Sunset Review in 1998. Managed IT services that Texas government organizations can use to accelerate service delivery. The plan outlines three strategic goals for statewide information technology for the years 2020-2024. This page intentionally left blank. Overview Presented to the House Select Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care House, Adoption
2009-2013 Agency Strategic Plan. As required per the 2020-21 General Appropriations Act (GAA), House Bill 1, Article IX, Sec 7.01, 86th Legislature, RS, 2019, shown here isDSHS Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020. Once you have all your supplies, build your kit. For background and to view past strategic plans, see theHHS Strategic Planning page. DSHS Strategic Plan 2023-2027, Part I and Part II For background and to view past strategic plans, see the HHS Strategic Planning page. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. 1=s=d"AB3)wRI$bOPDdc{/S0_. Get Ahead of What's Ahead >> hb```},@Ab@ (HA@ {EmNmf0oa=y@~
Contact Us | File a Complaint | FAQ | Where the $ Goes. If you have trouble viewing any of the documents below, pleasecontact DSHS Customer Service. endobj (20%) Oversees the collection, organization, analysis, and preparation of strategic plans and reports for workforce and culture improvements. /XIPLAYER_CM2 10 0 R This work may include providing expert advice and consultation to others to help them address culture, people, and business challenges in their areas of responsibility. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. A list of State of Texas holidays is available at: Texas State Auditor's Office - Holiday Schedule. >> 2015-2019 Agency Strategic Plan. << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] This is a temporary grant-funded position and is expected to last through November 30, 2027. Read more about Economic Services Administrations's future goals here. At least five years work experience in directing teams/workgroups on high-level programs/projects. >> part of the safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID-19 disaster. Coordinated Strategic Plan for 2021 . Read more about Developmental DisabilitiesAdministration's future goals here. Suggests strategies and provides facilitation, consultation, coaching and mentoring as requested. For the 2021-23 Strategic Plan, DSHS has an overarching executive summary that encompasses the many services and administrations within DSHS. 1 . Technology bills filed by the Texas Legislature. Additionally, each administration has a more specific strategic plan, with objectives and action plans related to their vast and diverse programs. DSHS Strategic Plan 2023-2027,Part IandPart II. Relating to the expanded reopening ofservices as part ofthe safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID-19disaster. Skill in organizational development and strategic planning to support HR management. )x8gWze=.X={*5X1?k3{/?u^|3~
8_M1*=c~4G,3rX?0?E9zwFq>sIIk7YZWQcO:T.j. Each of the system's divisions contributes to the development of the Strategic Plans. Denos su opinin sobre sus experiencias con las instalaciones, el personal, la comunicacin y los servicios del DSHS. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. Legislative Appropriations Request - FY 2024-25 2019-2023 Agency Strategic Plan. The selected candidate will sign a Temporary Employment Agreement at the time of hire. Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. /XIPLAYER_CM13 21 0 R . k
1Ii9yO SL4@W0~MHtko; td|d]_~k{f(C!Y;*!a).5w_mh9/:JcQl98M7f8q>4AAUd
hU@CgpwFa#m8@Ip1(M56x&A^Zyr#B0 stream These goals, created in partnership with state agencies, universities, and other state stakeholders, consider the needs of today's citizenry while balancing the realities facing state government. %PDF-1.5
Develops and recommends data-driven agency culture strategies that enhance the health of DSHS businesses and customer/community relationships. ju>z(l%tp" Any employment offer is contingent upon available budgeted funds. House Bill 1912, 81st Legislature,
and generous leave based on years of service. For more information see the Texas State Auditors Military Crosswalk at Texas State Auditor's Office - Job Descriptions. In this web section, you will find the priorities and actions plans we have set as we look ahead to the years 2023 through 2025. For the 2021-23 Strategic Plan, DSHS has an overarching executive summary that encompasses the many services and administrations within DSHS. hb```G,a cbtaW[ 380f22pu+aa(`XvrV\c6p(*` '=gfsfwg9gNq$Jhif_nA>30'XSu%;$/4&s)dL1H/PPnB$s>r@}-_E$:,80g e)Q:,s)+.W^$vLN8S=IV"d$kFFqKg@ArPH%qYT2UB 1ww "1D2!H$p ITL-4O(?S nV081sF]"bh^a)uQQ s
"40 Human Resources certification: SHRM-SCP or equivalent is preferred. Lastly, the plans have metrics that This position may be eligible to telework but would be required to come into the office for work-related meetings and trainings, as directed. Responsibilities include setting strategic direction and developing goals and objectives. Experience administering and supporting employee engagement initiatives and programs. DSHS offers a variety of benefits, which can be found at Benefits at a Glance | ERS (texas.gov), and generous leave based on years of service. Include a link to the report with an explanation of the issue you encountered. Leveraging the purchasing power of the state for IT products and services. Fiscal Year 2019, Youth Parents and Pregnant Youth in DFPS Conservatorship: Fiscal Year 2019, Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA): The Changing Landscape of Texas Child Welfare, Evaluation of Medical Exam Requirements: Initial Medical Exam in Three Days, Medicaid Select Acute Medical Care Among Foster Care Population within 14 Days, Summary of Children Removed from October 2018 to September 2019, Report on the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Fiscal Year 2019, Community-Based Care (CBC) and Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) Quality Metrics Report,
Makingelectronic information and services accessible to all. Center for Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Cancer Resources for Health Professionals, Resources for Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Families, Food Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Warehouses, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Licensure, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS), Health Care Information Collection (THCIC), Updated Legislative Appropriations Request FY 2024-2025 (February 2023), FY 2022-2023 Legislative Appropriations Request Stakeholder Presentation, DSHS Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, DSHS Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020, Senate Finance Committee, DSHS Exceptional Items, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II, DSHS Exceptional Items, House Committee on Public Health, DSHS Overview. Use the menu on the left to read the digital eBooks and the specific details, goals and action steps from each administration. House Human Services Committee - Residential Treatment Centers, Child Care Licensing Regulation, and Child Protective Services Placements, Foster Care Redesign: Improving Child/Youth Placement Outcomes, Presentation on House Human Services Charge Two relating to implementation of the Fostering Connections Act, Presentation on House Human Services Charge Five regarding Parental Child Safety Placements, Presentation on Senate Charge Two Relating to the DFPS Prevention and Early Intervention Division, Disproportionality in Child